Essay feedback
WWW: Your response stays focused on the idea of power in the media which is good to see. The inclusion of Pluralist perspectives is good and definitely something you need to include in your real exam essay but you talk about this at different times rather than a clear, focused paragraph on it. You do have some of your own opinion and you do mention some of the things we have studied to focus on the question - Paywalls and examples such as Black Lives Matter which are up to date. Your essay writing technique has improved which shows you have taken advice on forming topic sentences which engage with the question and use quotes to support an argument. EBI: Your main issue is lack of depth and balance. Use the key words from the question and show the reader clearly where the paragraph is going so that you don't have two paragraphs about Pluralism and none on Marxism. You need to embed quotes more, as you do later in the essay You also define pluralism and citizen jo...