Article 14

05 / 11 / 17 - Twitter criticised for "erasing" bisexual photos

Bisexual results 

In this article, it talks about how the huge social media platform "Twitter" is being criticised for failing to show any photos under the bisexual hashtag. When "lesbian" or "gay" is searched up, it shows photos but when typing "bisexual", nothing shows up. Twitter has yet to comment on the incident. 

It could be due to the fact that Bisexual people "have been hypersexualised and associated with porn and promiscuity", says Kate Harrad of campaign group bisexual index. There are many other users who are frustrated and billigerent about this issue. One user talks about her being bi-sexual and the fact that there is no content for "bi-sexual" on Twitter leads to her saying "my life isn't offensive". 


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