Article 5

This story is about something that happened at several NFL matches. At the beginning of the game several African American players keeled down when the anthem was sung in protest against the anthem. This was due to the third line of the anthem which criticised African slaves who fought with the British in the American war of independence as the British had already banned slavery at that point in history.  Then as a result of this President Donald Trump criticised this in order to appeal to his voters and draw media attention elsewhere. Trump tweeted  ".If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL,or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect." He then went on to say about NFL players being overly paid.

  • biggest ever kneeling protest yet against Donald Trump 
  • NFL players came together to criticise Trump
  • stadiums across the US -- and even further afield -- became the focus of an unprecedented show of defiance against US President Donald Trump
  • Players from all 28 teams in the league that played Sunday participated in some form of protest. Some teams declined to take the field at all for the pre-game ceremonies.


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