Identities and the media
1) The Factsheet discusses how identity is a complex subject. What does it suggest defines our identity? More and more, modern media is thought to be part of the way modern audiences construct and communicate their identity. The identities we construct for ourselves are not always about ourselves as individuals but can also link into the way we see ourselves as part of a group. Our identification with a group can help us feel part of a collective identity. 2) Complete the task on page 2: suggest media texts that could reinforce that someone is non-mainstream; edgy; a pleasure seeker; fashionable; witt y and fun; cutting-edge. A pleasure seeker would probably go to a magazine like NatGeo A fashionable person would use a media text like Vogue A person on the cutting edge would read things like Wired. 3) What examples are suggested for a case study on urban youth? The Jeremy Kyle Show is suggested as a case study. "Chavs" and "hoodies" have been p...